The weather man says...
According to the weather man on this morning's local news, the low temperature for yesterday was 11 degrees with a high of 41... I beg to differ Gary, because here we never saw over 14 and when I drove to and from work yesterday it was a whopping 6 degrees. Hopefully, everyone in Vermont already knows the basics regarding how to treat your vehicle right in these cold months that seem to never end. As cold as it was last night, I sucked it up and filled up my gas tank. By the end I couldn't feel my fingers, but it's never smart to let your gas tank get below 1/4 tank in colder weather, a bottle of dry gas when you fill the tank never hurts either. And as hard as it is sometimes to drag yourself outside to start your car and let it run for 10-15 minutes instead of just hopping in and going, trust me your car will love you that much more when you give it time to wake up before demanding it drive you around. Cars have feelings too you know. Plus if you let it warm up it and turn the defroster on it makes it that much easier to scrape that nasty layer of ice off your windshield. Two of my biggest pet peeves and then I'll shut up. First off, is it that hard to remember to turn off your wipers when you turn off your car? You'd be amazed at how many busted wipers and blown wiper motors we see on a regular basis because the wipers were frozen to the windshield and instead of using a scraper and a little elbow grease they just wear out their wipers. Smarrrrrt. And second, if you do this we can't be friends. Seriously people what makes you think it's okay
to wipe off only the windshield in front of the driver's side and nowhere else and leave half a foot of snow on top of your car!? Do you know what happens to the person behind you? That snow, and chunks of ice come flying off your car and into mine, it's like a mini whiteout just for me, thanks... I hope if you are someone that does this you get pulled over and get a ticket for having an "unsecured load". Believe me it's a thing, and I hope it comes with a giant fine and that you haven't caused an accident in the process. Food for thought. Happy Thursday!!!